Netflix Seeks AI Specialist for Integrated AI Future
Amid a significant Hollywood strike, Netflix is actively searching for an artificial intelligence specialist, offering an annual salary of 24 million TL. The company is determined to integrate AI into every aspect of its platform.
Actors from both the film and television industries have launched a comprehensive strike concerning wages and issues related to AI.
Meanwhile, Netflix has recently declared its intention to hire an artificial intelligence expert, prepared to pay a hefty salary. Despite the rising concerns surrounding AI, Netflix’s pursuit of an AI professional has attracted attention. However, the company remains committed to incorporating AI into all facets of its platform.
Netflix’s AI Expert Search

Netflix recently announced a job vacancy for a Product Manager within its Machine Learning Platform (MLP) for its streaming service. The renowned streaming company is in search of someone who can leverage machine learning and AI to improve the Netflix experience for both its staff and subscribers. According to the job listing, this is a new role created with the goal to “capitalize on our Machine Learning Platform.”
Netflix attributes its application of AI to several key areas: “helping us acquire and produce quality content, assisting members in finding the perfect content through personalization, and optimizing our payment processes along with other revenue-generating initiatives.” Thus, AI is poised to become an integral component of the company’s operations.
The importance of this position is underscored by the salary range on offer. Netflix is willing to offer a salary ranging from a minimum of $300,000 to a maximum of $900,000 annually to the ideal candidate.
In turn, Netflix expects the successful applicant to shape the company’s future AI strategy, introduce new AI-driven features on the platform, and develop a training program to teach all Netflix employees how to effectively use the MLP.
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